Come join me at Shift Gallery in the month of April to see 'Metatopology.' This show is a collaboration with fellow Shift member Sung I Chun exploring the interplay between self and society. There are several interactive works and we had a lot of fun putting it together.
- Opening/First Thursday Art Walk – April 4, 5-8pm
- Closing/Meet the Artists – April 27, 2-4pm
Read more about the show here.
Here are a few views of the show:

Installation view of 'Eye to I' (my work), 'Shoot' by Sung I Chun, 'I to Eye' (my work) and 'Magic Green Pill' by Sung I Chun. Photo by James Arzente.

'Everything to Everyone' is a collection of signs showing potential names for the show that we didn't use.

'Conspicuous Consumption' indicates our sales area.

'Public Rejection' is where people can throw out their trash.

'Tax Included' is a conceptual piece including sets of cards and cotton candy for sale. These really are for sale and tax is really included, both figuratively and literally. Photo by James Arzente.